A market-ready access control in no time

An OEM for your access control!

The big advantage an OEM product brings about is that you get a market-ready product in the shortest possible time. The big advantage with the iNFORM OEM access control is you do not just get a product in the shortest possible time. You get a product that is market ready with decades of the specific engineering experience combined with profound market, customer and product knowledge. The access control platform iSAC-3 (intelligent scalable access control 3rd generation), has been developed from scratch according to the latest technological standards. All knowlegde and all experiences made have been realized in iSAC-3. This means: safety, flexibility, modernness, openness for individual needs etc. in one for you!

Complete flexibility – individual and unique 

If you go for a professional access control system, iNFORM offers a unique OEM partnering model of its own kind in the security branch. This iSAC-3 access control solution is a platform, which is open in any direction, i. e. in size, components, manufacturers, technologies, expansions, sales and production possibilities etc. Of course, iSAC-3 is ready to receive your individual branding and can be distributed in various ways, as single licences or as production-licence or you may even do a buy-out. Alternatively, if you already have a security system, get iSAC-3 as your own add-on. Be as individual as you like: iNFORM develops your special requirements  and you decide about the license form (if at all). You may as well take it all.  iNFORM is prepared for special solutions. You decide. iSAC-3 adapts. 

Call for more +49 7771 9189660 now.